
Payment Methods

Advance Payment:
Pay for your order conveniently in advance by transferring the due amount directly to our bank account. Please use the order number as the reference when making the transfer. Your order will only be dispatched after successful receipt of payment into our account. This is a secure option for customers who prefer to pay in advance.

Use PayPal to quickly and securely process your purchases. With PayPal, you can easily pay using your PayPal account or a linked credit or debit card. This is a convenient and widely accepted online payment method that enables fast transactions.

Cash on Delivery:
If you prefer the convenience of paying upon receipt of your order, we offer the “Cash on Delivery” option. This means you will pay the due amount directly to the courier when your order is delivered. This is a practical way to pay for your order when you have it in your hands.

Klarna is a versatile payment method that offers various options for financing your purchases. You can choose whether to pay immediately or split your payment. Klarna also offers the option to pay later, allowing you to receive your order and pay at a later time. This provides flexibility and convenience while shopping.

We offer these different payment options to ensure that you can choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Your satisfaction and a smooth payment process are our top priorities.

Vom 04.05. bis einschließlich 14.05. machen wir betrieblichen Urlaub. In dieser Zeit werden keine Pakete versendet. Trotzdem können Sie gerne in unserem Onlineshop bestellen.